
Pathology Questions

Explore questions in the Pathology category that you can ask Spark.E!

cellular respiration occurs in the ____________ of plant and animal cells

Phtotsynthesis occurs in the ____________ of plant cells

A loss of function (LOF) allele of a tumor suppressor genomic locus is formed by a point mutation. Which of the following is the mostly likely specific mutation?

What type of muation occurs in the tumor-suppressor gene?

The vertebrate ________ gene is a maste tumor-suppressor gene that senses DNA damage

True or False: Another cancer cell from this same individual will have an identical karyotype.

What type of allele cause proto-oncogenes to become oncogenes?

How is a homeobox genomic locus reactivated?

Which stage of colon cancer is metastatic cancer?

In both familial and sporadic forms of cancer, cancer, LOH (loss of heterozygosity) occurs __________.

What type of allele causes tumor suppressors to become cancerous?

In ______ cancer, LOH (loss of heterozygosity) occurs in old age

To turn off the transcription factor of p53, you would need a _______.

What type of process is cancer at cellular and genetic levels?

Who proposed a 'two-hit' model for retinoblastoma?

Which type of RNA moves from the nucleus into the cytoplasm, carrying the genetic code?

Active vaccines can be made from..

What genetic disease is the result of human evolution?

A small centric ring X chromosome that lacks the X inactivation center is observed in a patient with short stature, gonadal dysgenesis, and intellectual disability. Because intellectual disability is not a typical feature of Turner syndrome, explain the presence of mental retardation with or without other associated physical anomalies in individuals with a 46,X,r(X) karyotype. In a prenatal diagnosis involving a different family, a somewhat larger ring that contains the X inactivation center is detected. What phenotype would you predict for the fetus in this pregnancy?

The birth incidence rates of 47,XXY and 47,XYY males are approximately equal. Is this what you would expect on the basis of the possible origins of the two abnormal karyotypes? Explain.

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