Sociology Questions
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Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own culture, society, or group is inherently superior to others.
A primary group is a small group of people who engage in intimate face-to-face interaction over an extended period of time.
Control variable is a characteristic that is constant and unchanged during the research process.
Social interaction is a process in which people take each other into account in their own behavior.
Nonverbal communication are messages that are sent without using words.
Role is behavior expected of a person who has a particular status.
Sanctions are rewards for only good behavior.
A reference group includes people who shape an individual's self-image, behavior, values, and attitudes in different contexts.
Alienation is a feeling of isolation, meaninglessness, and powerlessness.
A secondary group is a large, usually formal, impersonal, and temporary collection of people who pursue a specific goal or activity.
father of sociology , first to use scientific method to study societytwo focuses : social order , social change
Socialization is the lifelong process through which people learn culture and become functioning members of society.
Research method is an organized and systematic procedures to gain knowledge about a particular topic.
Status is a social position that a person occupies in a society.
Mores are considered not very important in our behavior.
Role conflict are difficulties in playing two or more contradictory roles.
Groupthink is where in-group members make faulty decisions because of group pressures, rather than critically testing, analyzing, and evaluating ideas and evidence.
Culture is defined as the learned and shared behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, values, and material objects that characterize a particular group or society.
Qualitative research examines and interprets nonnumerical material.
Peer groups are people who are similar in age, social status, and interests.