
Virology Questions

Explore questions in the Virology category that you can ask Spark.E!

Unusual structure of 5' end of PV genome facilitates

Picornavirus Translation: The proteases cleave themselves out of

Because the necessary enzymes are contained within the viral core,early transcription is not affected by

proteolytic processing is needed for the next step in the life cycle: which is?

Flaviviruses, Togaviruses, and Coronaviruses are what type of viruses?

picornavirus: Structural proteins (capsid)

Surprisingly, given presence of quasispecies, many RNA viruses (as a population)remain relatively stable over time because

norovirus is what in the environment?

the heat-killed pox virus acts as what in reactivation and what does the second virus provide?

MVs contain which two surface proteins that EVs don't

poxviruses hijacks cellular translation initiaion factors to expressions within...

cessation of early gene expression coincides with what

ITRs include an what that connects the two DNA strans

are antibodies sufficient for recovery from primary poxvirus

Ebola virus glycoproteins produced from what gene?

what type of cells do alphaherpesviruses infect

what do core fusion machinery do all herpesviruses have?

Paramyxovirus: Henipaviruses includes what viruses?

cold sores and genital sores are the result of what type of HSV replication

what type of cells fo gammaherpesviruses infect