
Theology Questions

Explore questions in the Theology category that you can ask Spark.E!

Who is ordained to preach the gospel and serve the faithful, especially celebrating the Eucharist and other sacraments

In the sacrament of matrimony the bride and groom confer the sacrament on each other, but who is the official witness of the sacrament on behalf of the church

Who, through holy orders, shares in christ's mission by assisting bishops and priests in the service of the church

Who receives the fullness of the sacrament of holy orders and continues the apostles mission of leadership and service

Where can the sacrament of the anointing of the sick be celebrated?

Can the sacrament of holy orders be repeated?

Who celebrates the sacrament of the anointing of the sick?

How many times can we be baptized?

Where does the sacrament of holy orders always have to take place?

How many times can we get confirmed?

What parable did Jesus use to teach about forgiveness?

At the _____________of the _________________ Prayer.

As the priest holds up the ________________, we find ourselves in the position of _____________ ____________ the ________________ who said My _____________ and My __________.

In the ___________________of the early church they were so passionate about joining their ____________and their__________________to that prayer they would say it with so much _____and _____________that the ______________in the _________where they were gathered would __________. We All Pray ___________.

The point of this is to let the _________of your __________ ___________ with your ___________of: I join all of myself to what just happened on that ______ with my ____________.

_________ was the king Israel wanted; _________ was the king God wanted?

how long did Jerusalem's walls take to be rebuilt?

after how many years did the captives of Judah begin to return?

Who captured the Southern Kingdom of Israel?

what God's covenant with David conditional or unconditional?

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