
Surgery Questions

Explore questions in the Surgery category that you can ask Spark.E!

Mask used in emergencies that delivers 90%-100% O2

Gold standard mask for unstable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Accidental dislodgment of tracheostomy tube is medical

Nasopharyngeal airway should NEVER be inserted in clients with ______ trauma

Post op lumbar puncture patient is on bed rest and must be __________ for __ - __ hours

Cerebral angiography positioning before, during and after procedure

EEG is a painless 'sticker' monitoring for _________ activity

During bronchoscopy patient can be upright/sitting/or side lying during procedure; what position post op 'bronch'

If a patient has artificial teeth what nursing consideration must be done pre bronchoscopy

If the procedure does not use contrast like liver biopsy, para/thoracentesis, EEG patient does not need to be...

Paracentesis done for management of ___________ fluid (i.e. ascites)

6 procedures that use contrast dye1. __ __ scan2. ______gram3. _______gram4. 'spinal tap'5. ______ cath6. cerebral ________graphy

Which 'painless'/standard diagnostic procedure requires informed consent

Nasopharyngeal airways are used in clients who are alert/semiconscious, in pts with ______ trauma or maxillofacial surgery

Contrast procedure with biggest risk for increased cerebral pressure post op

MOST IMPORTANT PRIORITY if patient is getting a procedure with the use of contrast dye

Low pressure vent alarms can indicate the _________ is disconnect or has a leak

If the chest tube drainage suction device breaks and the tubing is contaminated the nurse's best action is what to maintain water seal

Cardiac catheter procedure patient should be NPO __ - __ hours and supine after __ - __ hours

Myelogram post op positioning (side lying/ supine/ semi fowlers)

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