
Scientific History Questions

Explore questions in the Scientific History category that you can ask Spark.E!

are school books considered scientific ?

are essays considered scientific ?

are reports of governmental or administrative institutions ? considered scientific ?

what site allows you to locate a document and check its availability ?

what site to use for research on health topic ?

what is the site where you can find a list of every PhD defended in France ?

what are the sites where you can find scientific articles ( not HSS) ?

in which language are the publication on erudit ?

are reports of associations, companies etc considered scientific ?

Qu'utilise-t-on dans le cas des angles plus petits dans un grossissement

Quel est le point de concours des 3 rayons (O, F, F') ?

which scientist definitively proved that nucleic acids/DNA is the genetic material?

which scientist photographed the double stranded structure of DNA?

Whish scientist discovered the bas-pairing rules of DNA?

which 3 scientists won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of DNA's structure?

true or false: The modern atomic theory is mere speculation

which can change with new evidence scientific theory and or law

What years did scientists contribute to the knowledge of DNA structure?

true or false: The modern atomic theory is currently accepted as the most plausible explanation for the law of conservation of mass.

what forms of DNA did franklin discover

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