
Rheumatology Questions

Explore questions in the Rheumatology category that you can ask Spark.E!

T-cells produce _______ which stimulates osteoclasts in RA?

what pro-inflammatory cytokines are produced in stage 3 of RA?

antibodies develop against __________ and _________ proteins

biggest environmental risk factor for RA

post-translational modification of proteins leads to the creation of ________

loss of immune tolerance can be ______ before onset of symptoms

there is strong association between RA and ______ class II genotypes

in RA, there is loss of resident macrophages which maintain ___________

Antibodies develop against citrullinated and carbamylated proteinsin asymptomatic autoimmunity, the immune system produces antibodies against specific proteins. these proteins undergo ________, particularly involving which amino acid?

Rhomboid-shaped, positively birefringent crystals in joint fluid aspiration

Headaches, soreness in jaw, pain on scalp, transient monocular blindness

An elderly woman presents with pain and stiffness of the shoulders and hips. Shes cannot lift her arms above head. Labs show anaemia and raised ESR

A 55y/ man has a sudden excruciating first MTP joint pain after a night of drinking red wine.Diagnosis, workup, and chronic treatment?

Wegener's Vasculitis Antibody testing

Polymyositis/Dermatomyositis Antibody testing

Microscopic Polyangitis Vasculitis Antibody testing

Back pain that is exacerbated by standing and walking, and relieved with sitting and hyperflexion of the hips

Joint pain and stiffness that worsens over the course of the day and is relieved by rest

Hip and back pain, along with stiffness that improves with activity over the course of the day, and worsens at rest. Diagnostic test?

A genetic disorder that is associated with multiple fractures and blue sclera and is commonly mistaken for child abuse

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