
Radiology Questions

Explore questions in the Radiology category that you can ask Spark.E!

The purpose of a grid is to restore __ in the remnant xray beam signal

An 80-kV photon undergoes a coherent scattering interaction with an orbital electron having a binding energy of 8 kV. What is the energy of the resulting scattered photon?

For a particular radiograph, the exposure indicator shows that twice too much exposure was used. If this radiograph was taken using the AEC, what would the "density" control be set to in order to correct the exposure the next time this procedure is done on a similar patient

When changing to a higher speed of image receptor plate, or the ratio of the grid in an x-ray table Bucky is changed to a lower ratio, the thyristor of the AEC must be:

Which of the following is most likely to result in visible grid lines

Anatomy of interest for lumbar spine?

Which view should you take to visualize IVF on lumbar spine?

Cathode vs anode: Which is connected to high voltage circuit?

Relationship between different distances and penumbra - how does penumbra change when its increase OID?

Rotating vs stationary anode: Which one is used in chiropractic practice?

Which has a longer wavelength Hard vs soft x-rays?

Which has higher frequency Hard vs soft x-rays?

Cathode vs anode: Which is charged negatively?

If you select 50 mA and set the duration of exposure time of 2 seconds, what is the mAs?

kVp is related to cathode or anode?

Anatomy of interest for cervical oblique?

If you were to shoot an X-ray on the foot or thoracic spine, how would you place X-ray tube so that we can take advantage of anode heel effect?

Which filament creates more penumbra?

As you increase OID, what happens to the degree of magnification?

Metal piece in the eye: absolute or relative?

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