
Public Health Questions

Explore questions in the Public Health category that you can ask Spark.E!

How does the role of veterinarian differ from that of an epidemiologist? What does each study?

hiv can live in a needle for how many days

are blood transfusions tested for hiv

would the contagion respirator mask with a valve work?

was the contagion spillover event plausible?

what was the main disease people with hiv were dying from

Incubation periods of most foodborne illnesses (especially those with bacteria involved) is

when was the first hiv virus discovered

on the average person/people within sub-populations, rather than on individuals

highly positivist, leans more left, dismissive of rational choice theory

individual and the group, social/economic causes of health disparities

sociologists believe that rational choice theory is inherently limited, life is less driven by choice and more decided for us

public health - current monitoring and less on explaining or extremely detailed descriptions, does not fix underlying non-health problems that cause population health

government linkages, which discipline is considered most important

displaying average population patterns in health/demography

disease transmited by non-human animal reservoirs are termed_____

Analytic Epidemiology asks the question of...

if something is an attributable risk/rate, fraction what do you need to do

3 levels of prevention of injury death: - _____ prevention: conditions prevailing _____ the event - _____ prevention: conditions prevailing _____ the event - _____ prevention: _____ and quality of emergency care

Top 10 public health achievements of the 20th century:1. Routine use of _____2. Improvements in motor vehicle safety3. Safer workplaces4. Control of _____ diseases5. Decline in deaths from heart disease and stroke6. Safer and healthier _____7. Healthier _____ and babies8. Access to family planning and contraceptive services9. _____ of drinking water10. Recognition of _____ use as a health hazard

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