
Psychoanalysis Questions

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what did he believe that dream analysis was a way of accessing ?

Psychodynamic psychotherapy refers broadly to the approach authored by _____ and all subsequent adaptations or expansions of it

The term _____ succinctly captures the primary goal of psychodynamic psychotherapy

ego distorts reality, and there is a defense mechanism

Freud focused on parent-child dynmaics through the Oedipus crisis. What term is used for the earlier paren-child dynamics studied in object relations theory?

when 2 contradictory states such as love and hate are compartmentalized and not integrated

infants form images of themselves and other. once form they are fundamental internal structures that affect the ways in which individual view themselves and others.

refers to persons in the external world individuals seek objects from birth

early infant-caretaker interactions lead to the person internalizing basic attitudes toward self and other, characteristics relational patterns and a repertoire of defenses and internal capacities

the structure responsible for dealing with the world, for instituting defense mechanisms, for internalizing external objects and for integrating and synthesizing self and object representations.

involves projecting undesirable feelings of emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting or dealing with unwanted feelings.

work through termination and abandonment issues. consolidate interpretations

confront resistance and primitive defense mechanisms

focus of transference/countertransference. identify and process projective identification

psychological process in which a person will project a thought or belief that they have onto a second person

build rapport, therapeutic alliance through listening, exploration of client's experiences. empathy, maintaining neutrality

tx goal: improve relationships with self and others

tx goal: providing reperative experiences and building internal structures

Intro- which Personality Research Method is characterized by getting a Detailed History of an Individual (getting their whole story and going super in-depth)?

Sigmund Freud- This research he published started his now-called

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