
Physiology Questions

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What is a major problem in the Equine Industry?

How much is the average basic care for a horse?

What is BLM holding capacity in short term corrals?

Which of the following DOES NOT increase the surface area of the human small intestine for absorption?A. microvilliB. circular folds and lengthC. villiD. cecumE. none - they all increase SA

Essential amino acids areA. amino acids that must be ingested in the dietB. required only for the proper functions of enzymesC. the amino acids needed to make all the proteins in the bodyD. amino acids that can be made in the body from lipidsE. all the amino acids found in complete proteins

Coordination of body systems that use hormones to affect long-lasting changes is the function of the _________ system.A. tissureB. nervousC. endocrineD. connectiveE. hypothalamus

In the stomach, _______ cells produce __________ which is then converted into _________ by HCl. THe HCl is produced by ________ cells.A. chief; pepsinogen; pepsin; parietalB. chief; pepsin; pepsinogen; parietalC. parietal; pepsinogen; pepsin; chiefD. none of the above

Alveoli are:A. tiny fluid-filled tubules that carry dissolved gases to individual cellsB. air sacs that are the primary site of gas exchange in mammalian lungsC. a branching network of tubes that pipe air direcctly to individual cellsD. a branching betwork of tubes that carry air in vertebrate lungs

All hormonesA. are lipid-soluble moleculesB. are produced by endocrine glandsC. elicit the same biological response from all of their target cellsD. are protein moleculesE. are carried to target cells in the blood

A scientist studying a jellyfish placed it into a very salty solution (#1) and after 1 hour observed that the fluids of the jellyfish were isoosmotic to the salty solution. She then placed the jellyfish in a much less salty solution (#2) and again observed after 1 hour that the body fluids were isoosmotic. Which of the following is correct?A. when placed into solution #2, the jellyfish at first was hyper-osmotic to the solutionB. compared to the jellyfish, solution #2 initally was hypoosmoticC. the jellyfish is most likely an osmoconformerD. when placed into solution #2, the jellyfish gained water by diffusionE. all of the above

Which of the following best describes the waste product that would be produced by a freshwater fish?A. ammonia, is non-toxic and requires minimal water to dispose of itB. ammonia, is very toxic and requires lots of water to dispose of itC. urea, is moderately toxic and requires lots of water to dispose ofD. uric acid, is non-toxic and requires minimal water to dispose of it

You would expect a freshwater fish to:A. actively secrete salts from the gillsB. excrete a very dilute urineC. be iso-osmotic with its surroundingsD. actively reabsorb water in the kidnet tubulesE. excrete very little water in the urine from the kidneys

Hormones come in a variety of forms. Some hormones are lipid-soluble; others are water-soluble. Which of the following statements accurately describe water-soluble hormones?A. receptors are located on the membranes of target cellsB. binding to receptors on target cells often triggers signal transduction pathwaysC. usually directly affect gene expression by acting as transcription factorsD. Both A & BE. Both B & C

The steroid hormone that coordinates molting in arthropods is _______.A. thyroxineB. Growth hormoneC. ecdysteroidD. glucagonE. insulin

Melatonin is mostly secreted by the ______.A. pineal gland during the nightB. anterior pituitary glans during the day and at nightC. autonomic nervous system during the winterD. posterior pituitary gland during the dayE. hypothalamus during the day

Which of following is NOT likely to happen after consuming a large amount of coffee?A. decreased specific gravity of urineB. increased levels of antidiuretic hormone released in the bloodC. increased urine outputD. increased volume of filtration formedE. all of the above

Which of the following best describes a vein?A. uses a series of valves to promote blood flow in one directionB. has a thick layer of muscle and connective tissue for strengthC. carries blood away from the heartD. all veins carry de-oxygenated bloodE. all of the above

The majority of enzymes for digestion in humans are released into theA. liverB. salivaC. colonD. duodenumE. stomach

The respiratory rate is controlled by the ______ which responds primarily to levels of _________ in the blood.A. AV node, CO2B. hypothalamus; O2C. SA node; hemoglobinD. brain; CO2E. SA node; O2

Which of the following vitamins is NOT able to be stored by the body in fat tissue?A. KB. AC. CD. DE. E

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