
Physical Chemistry Questions

Explore questions in the Physical Chemistry category that you can ask Spark.E!

what equation links lnK, lnA, activation energy, temperature and the gas constant?

A collision may not occur is the particles are poorly ____________

A reaction may not occur if a collision does not have enough ______________

In an endothermic reaction, the _______________ have more energy

A reaction occurs when colliding molecules have enough

Do all ions involved in each step of the reaction appear in the overall balanced equation?

In an exothermic reaction, the __________________ have more energy

What time of species is used up as a reactant and does not appear in the overall balanced equation?

You need more energy to activate what type of reaction?

A negative entropy value indicates a what in entropy?

Reactants come after or before the arrow?

If the result of the Gibbs equation is positive, the reaction is ....

A positive entropy value indicates a what in entropy?

If the result of the Gibbs equation is negative, the reaction is ....

Name the order of phases going from closest to y-axis to farthest.

Name the order of phases on the increasing slopes of the heating curve graph.

A negative value for the heats of reaction formula indicates what?

The melting point of a substance is equal to what?

On the heating curve graph, the kinetic energy does what as you move from left to right on the x axis (time)?

In nature, most chemical reactions are...

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