
Philosophy Questions

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faire une action conforme à la morale n'est pas égal à

la morale kantienne ne repose pas sur les conséquences de l'action mais sur

"Si vous saviez comme il est aisé de mentir impudemment au nez d'un butor! Cela prouve bien que vous n'avez jamais essayé"

"Il y a finalement une disparité totale entre les faits [...] et les hypothèses qui servirent finalement de base aux décisions."

"je serai l'anneau invisible qui l'attachera [Alexandre], pieds et poings liés, à la chaîne de fer dont Rome et César tiennent les deux bouts"

"Ceux qui mettent les mots sur leur enclume, et qui les tordent avec un marteau et une lime, ne réfléchissent pas toujours que ces mots représentent des pensées, et ces pensées des actions"

Hermann Rorschach invente le test des taches d'encres

In MENO, what difference does Socrates see between knowledge and true opinion?

in the APOLOGY, Socrates suggests that an appropriate penalty for his actions would be:

Socrates wrote many famous philosophical works, including MENO, APOLOGY, and CRITO

In thinking about the "way to Larissa", we might equate Larissa with happiness, the goal of human life. What is a plausible interpretation of why true opinion might be an inadequate way to reach happiness?

the only characters who speak in our readings are Socrates, Crito, and Meno. All other characters are only described

in CRITO, Socrates argues that the soul is harmed by...

in the APOLOGY, Socrates reports that he was motivated to become a philosopher because the Oracle at Delphi stated that:

In CRITO, Socrates claims that if one has entered into an agreement with the laws, one must...

what does Socrates want to teach Meno about knowledge and true opinion by having him compare the two "guides" who lead you to Larissa?

Meno compares Socrates to a torpedo fish that numbs everyone it comes into contact with. Socrates thinks the image is accurate, provided that...

According to a view Socrates expresses in MENO, if I believe that firefighters and patients struggling with terminal illness are both courageous, but in different ways, then I should be able to:

Both electrodes are covered in cotton; the client holds one and the esthetician makes contact with the other.

Qui a dit ça ?"Ce qui se conçoit bien s'énonce clairement, et les mots pour le dire nous viennent aisément"

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