
Pediatrics Questions

Explore questions in the Pediatrics category that you can ask Spark.E!

What does this suggest?Dry mouth/skin/diapers, cold extremities, grey/mottled complexion, loss of skin turgor, drowsy, sunken fontanel.

Management of inguinal hernia in infants under 1 year

Causative organism of bronchiolitis

what is the median age for flexing limbs and head lag?

What can be added if their is no response to amoxicillin in pneumonia/used if child has penicillin allergy?

what is the median and limit age for vocalising alone, cooing and laughing?

How many functional areas of development are there?

when can you diagnose a child with a general learning difficulty?

what is the tx of sensorineural hearing impairment?

what is the median and limit age for sitting with a round back?

what things might you pick up on assessment of a child with cerebral palsy?

when should a baby be able to put food in his mouth?

what is the median and limit age for transferring objects between hands?

what is the median and limit age for raising head to 45 degrees in prone?

what is the median and limit age for walking unsteadily with a wide gait?

when would you expect a child to start babbling?

when should a baby smile responsively?

What is the most common viral cause of pneumonia in children?

what is the median and limit age for following moving objects by turning head?

What is the SpO2 aim for children?

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