
Ophthalmology Questions

Explore questions in the Ophthalmology category that you can ask Spark.E!

this is the innermost area of the eye, and are the visual receptors of the eyes- basically, the eye is hollow, and that inner wall is this

change in position of eyeball with a close vs far away thing

Histology of Retina (2layers)- Finally... these neurons are the innermost layer in the retina (so they would be in contact with the Back of the eye- the cells are so big that they were called this...

what's that Jelly-Like material inside the eye?

ok, so there are these strands that hold the lens in place called the...

Eye Reflexes- how when our eyes are closed in front of a bright light, our pupils are first Big, then constrict after the light hits the eye, then dilate and constrict again

This is the entire Middle layer of the eyes (like the insides of the wall)- the big general name for it is the...

The Vascular Tunic- this is part of the anterior as well (front), has intrinsic ciliary muscles

the choroid is a bit reflectant and iridescent, this part is called the

What is the fancy word for Double Vision?

Histology of Retina (2layers)- So now under the microscope, there are 4 things we can see:1. This is the Outer Layer of the retina (it's pretty dark, and is adjacent to the choroid portion of the eye)

Histology of Retina (2layers)- so after the Photoreceptor Neurons (rods and cones), this is the next deeper layers (getting further away from the choroid)

now we know that the eye is a cavity (is hollow),so we divide it into the...

both the Sclera and the cornea make up the...

The Vascular Tunic- in the vascular tunic, we have the posterior (back) portion of it called the...

The Vascular Tunic- the anterior part (front) part of the vascular tunic is called the (this is where our eye color is!!!!!!

The Fibrous Tunic- what is the transparent layer of the eye called?

Eye Reflexes- this reflex is a change in pupil size

The Vascular Tunic- so... that big black hole in the middle of our eye?

Histology of Retina (2layers)- these are neurons that respond to light! (so... basically Rods and Cones)- if the Choroid is that big dark layer, then there's some space, this is the next darkest layer

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