
Oceanography Questions

Explore questions in the Oceanography category that you can ask Spark.E!

with air pressure, density of molecules decreases with

in divergent boundaries, new material is added to the edge of each plate becoming new

Wegner thought that all the continents were once together in a super-continent

the crustal plates are thought to move due to Earth's internal heat causing

plates of lithosphere do what on top of the asthenosphere

how does the melting of ice off of glaciers affect the ocean current?

in the south atlantic, is the general circulation clockwise or counterclockwise?

currents are affected by the density of water. Which is more dense, warm water ocean water or cold ocean water?

ocean currents are all connected together. This connection is called the

increase of overall temperature difference between London, England and Calgary Canada is the result of the what

is the general circulation of the surface currents in the north Atlantic ocean clockwise or counterclockwsie?

what ist he name of the surface-ocean current located along the pacific coast of the united states? warm or cold?

which surface-ocean current travels completely around the globe, west to east, without interuption?

which surface-ocean current flows along the Atlantic coast of the United States? Is it a warm or cold current?

How many tons of carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere per year?

The ———— is one of the most successful measures we can use against a natural disaster

Where might you find the biggest waves in the ocean?

how many tides occur in a 24 hour period and what kind (high, low)

What happens to waves as they move from deep water into shallow water?

What is a source of naturally occurring fixed nitrogen

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