
Nutrition Questions

Explore questions in the Nutrition category that you can ask Spark.E!

True or false: Riboflavin deficiency is usually accompanied by deficiencies of several other B vitamins.

Beriberi is a deficiency disease caused by a lack of

A person experiencing weakness, loss of appetite, poor coordination, and edema caused by lack of thiamin is experiencing the deficiency disease known as

The B vitamin required as a coenzyme to release energy from carbohydrates and some amino acids is

The most nutrient-dense food source of choline is

Glucose intolerance may be a sign of ______ deficiency.

Phosphatidylcholine is a phospholipid that primarily functions in

Which two food groups provide the richest sources of vitamin B-6?

Choline's role in transfer of single-carbon groups during metabolic reactions influences risk for

Biotin deficiency is rare even when the dietary intake is low because biotin can be

Choline is involved in the transport of ______ through the blood.

______ is the choline-containing compound that functions as a neurotransmitter.

Milk and dairy products, beans, whole grains, and nuts are all good food sources of

Choline is a precursor for ______, which transfers single-carbon groups in metabolic reactions.

Elevated levels of blood glucose, triglycerides, and cholesterol are clinical features of ______ deficiency.

The coenzyme form of biotin functions to add ______ to compounds in metabolic reactions.

______ is the choline-containing compound that helps to insulate nerve cells.

Choline plays a role in synthesis of which of the following components of the cell membrane?

The availability of biotin is limited by

The deficiency disease that causes scaly, inflamed skin, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, and weakness is due to a lack of which B-vitamin?

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