
Mycology Questions

Explore questions in the Mycology category that you can ask Spark.E!

What is the preferred culture media used for the growth of fungi and yeasts?

What structures comprise most fungi?

Which is a useful stain for the evaluation of fungal organisms?

What is the preferred location for collection of culture specimens when Microsporum or Trichophyton is suspected?

Two species most often affected by coccidioidomycosis?

Disease caused by infection with a member of the zygomycota

How can other animals get infected by mycobacterium bovis?

To which phylum did dermatophytes originally belong? To which one do they belong now?

Are gram stained smears useful to identify corynebacterium?

Rhodococcus: positive or negative CAMP test

With what do we treat hairs and skin scraping to observe arthrospores under the microscope?

Where can we easily take a sample to diagnose corynebacterium ?

Optimal incubation temperature temperature of M. Tuberculosis, M.bovis M.avium

Are species in Rhodococcus gram positive ?

How does aspergillus fumigatus produce the disease?

Mycobacterium species: aerobic or anaerobic

Lesions of corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis internal or external?

Main routes of transmission of corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis

Medium used for growth and colonial appearance of MYCOBACTERIUM spp

Where to corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis species replicate and survive?

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