
Music Theory Questions

Explore questions in the Music Theory category that you can ask Spark.E!

melodic minor (raises the 6th and 7th degrees of the scale a half step ascending and natural descending

harmonic minor (raises the 7th degree of the scale a half step)

A scale comprised entirely of half steps is called a _________ scale:

How many major scales are there in Western music?

One of the most common scales used in African, Far Eastern, and Native American music is the:

a shift in the rhythmic pulse from a division of 2 to a division of 3, or vice versa. i.e. 6-8 time meter into 3-4 time meter.

When a composer shifts the key center for part of an entire work, it is called:

The sign that indicates a pitch should be raised a half step is called a:

Harmonies built on the dominant (fifth scale degree) have a tendency toward:

An interval smaller than a half step is called a:

In Western music, dominant and subdominant chords are called _______ chords:

The intervallic distance between G and A is:

When a composer shifts the pitch level of an entire work, it is called:

Music of the Baroque and Classical is mostly:

True/False:If a major or minor scale is transposed to a different starting pitch, the pattern of half steps and whole steps changes.

True/False:The octave is divided the same way in the musical systems of all cultures.

an extra unaccented syllable at the beginning of a line before the regular meter begins

seven flats - B flat, E flat, A flat, D flat, G flat, C flat, and F flatkey of A flat minor

the graphic representation of all the keys with their sharps and flats

the first scale degree of a diatonic scale and the tonal center or final resolution tone

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