
Middle Eastern Studies Questions

Explore questions in the Middle Eastern Studies category that you can ask Spark.E!

When did the Ottoman Empire control the Middle East?

Between which two countries were the Sykes Picot Agreement?

How did the Palestinian people react to the two state or two country idea proposed by the United Nations in 1947?

What is the dominant language in the Middle East?

The Arab Spring removed several dictators from power but right now there appears to be unrest in many countries. While in the United States we separate religion and government, many Middle East countries (combine) these two ideas which is called a theocracy

What percentage of Arab women cannot read or write?

Istanbul, Turkey is the dividing line between which continents

Arab Gulf States - Tend to be wealthy because of oil revenue and trade between the East (China) and the West (Europe and the United States); modern, technologically advanced. Oman has the most balance of modern and tradition within the Arab Gulf States

Who controls and lives in the West Bank and Gaza Strip?

The famous stone or shrine that all Muslims travel around is called

Once in their lives, ideally, all Muslims travel to where?

Why do Muslims go to the plain of Arafat during the Hajj? To seek what?

The US and its allies think Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons to attack Israel, however Iran denies it. Israel has threatened to bomb the nuclear facilities, and Iran said they would respond in a severe counter attack.

People come from how many different nations to attend the journey on the Hajj?

Which country made this statement(Balfour Declaration)?

Jordan, Lebanon, Syria: not nearly as wealthy because of a general lack of oil, more outwardly traditional and religious, more of a history of conflict, particularly in Syria and Lebanon

Many/most countries in the Middle East have had a series of dictators as leaders of their country. Much of this began to change with the revolutions and revolts in 2011 but there is instability and civil war in some Middle Eastern countries today.

The Ottoman Empire spread the religion of Islam around what areas?

What percentage of Muslims are non-Arab within the world community?

What is the dominant religion in the Middle East?

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