
Infectious Disease Questions

Explore questions in the Infectious Disease category that you can ask Spark.E!

acquired immunosuppression due to

pyelonephritis due to _______ bacteria

CASE 2: 60 year old woman• Presented with a one-week history of fever, back pain.• She also has had pain while passing urine and frequency.• She is diabeticDIAGNOSIS

legionella pneumophila incubation times

SARS-associated coronavirus incubation times

S. aureus food poisoning incubation times

bacteria divide every _____ mins

is the host infectious during the incubation phase?

CASE 1 • Attends GP with a two-week history of fever, shortness of breath.• He attends today because he is having difficulties speakingPMH:- IVDU- Unemployed- No allergiesinitial assessment + blood culturesEchocardiogram shows vegetationdiagnosis?

Chlamydophila psittaci, Borrelia burgdorferi, Bacillus antracis are examples of _________ pathogens

Clostridium tetani, Clostridium botulinum are examples of _________ pathogens

incubation times - varicella-zoster virus

any microorganism capable of causing disease

bacillus cereus food poisoning incubation times

What is the third beneficial thing bacteria does for our bodies?

What is the fourth step in the chain of infection?

What is the first step in the chain of infection?

What is the second step in the chain of infection?

What is the third step in the chain of infection?

What is the sixth step in the chain of infection?