
History of Theater Questions

Explore questions in the History of Theater category that you can ask Spark.E!

86. The Harlem Renaissance was a time when the United States began to celebrate African American artists. TRUE or FALSE?

91. TRUE or FALSE, Brecht saw theater as a mirror that should show the audience the reality of their lives and inspire them to take action to change it.

89. Piscator felt that theater should be used to BLANK an audience.

84. TRUE or FALSE, Trifles is an early example of feminist theater. (40)

81. TRUE or FALSE, American theater got started late, but got good very quickly.

85. When did the Harlem Renaissance movement take place?

90. Epic theater is supposed to be the opposite of BLANK theater.

82. How did critics and audiences feel about Herne's play Margaret Fleming?

80. Chekhov "was a master of BLANK."(34)

72. Boucicault franchised and rewrote his plays. He also indirectly helped to form the BLANK agreement of 1886. (28)

79. What was Chekhov's first produced play?

83. Who was "the champion of American realism?"

75. When did "realism" begin appearing in France?

71. Early melodramas were fairly realistic and had few supernatural elements. TRUE or FALSE?

76. Realism was supposed to move away from BLANK and moralism. (31)

73. Hugo said that drama "must be a concentrating BLANK."

77. Early Russian theater looked a lot like early theater found in Europe. TRUE or FALSE?

70. Melodramas "almost always have a BLANK ending."

78. Aleksy Tolstoy wrote a series of plays on BLANK

51. Early performances of Shakespeare's plays utilized a lot of props. TRUE or FALSE?

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