
History of Asia Questions

Explore questions in the History of Asia category that you can ask Spark.E!

Island to which the Nationalists fled

The 3rd largest nation in the world

How many British soldiers were employed to rule over 200 million Indians in the 1850s?

The immediate cause of the rebellion was that the sepoys -- Indians in the British army -- believed "there was a plot afoot" to do what?

In what year did a major rebellion against the British arise in India?

In the Rebellion of 1857, the rebels attacked "anything that represented the authority" of the British. But they also attacked what two groups of natives who "were seen as benefiting from" British rule?

After the Rebellion of 1857, the British government abolished the British East India Company. What did they then do to the responsibility of ruling India?

What three things did the British build to help "unify the disjointed territory" of India into one united territory under British control?

Communist victory/ establishment of People's Republic of China

What was the first dynasty in China (considered a legendary one)

Who was the founder and what is the name of the main text for Confucianism beliefs?

What ancient philosophy emphasized harmony with nature and a balance between opposing forces?

What are philosophies and schools that flourished during the late Zhou dynasty called?

What is a large designed cemetery with elaborate tomb monuments?

What is the political, economic, and military predominance of one state over the other state called?

What did the western zhou set up in which peasants farmed the land?

What is the ancient philosophy that emphasized the mutual duty between superiors and inferiors?

Does China have the longest uninterrupted written history of any human culture?

According to this ancient philosophy, people are innately bad and need strict laws and punishments to do right

What was the first civilization with large cities, large-scale building projects, and social hierarchy?