
Histology Questions

Explore questions in the Histology category that you can ask Spark.E!

Which tissue has the hardest EC matrix and forms a protective structure for muscle attachment?

transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, and waste through the body through arteries and veins

Which tissue is also called fat, serves as insulation and is stored for later energy use?

Type of connective tissue with hardest EC matrix, protective structure for muscle attachment, and is formed by osteocyte

Which tissue transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, and waste throughout the body?

Found in the pharyngotympanic tubes, epiglottis, and ear lobes

Semi-solid connective tissue that is both a protective and supportive structure; can be found in ears, joints, nose

Which tissue connects muscles to bone, bone to bone, and is the slowest to repair?

Irregularly arranged fibers that provide strength where tension is exerted in various directions such as dermis

Which connective tissue separates the cells of the body from the bloodstream?

Type of connective tissue aka fat. Purpose is to store excess nutrients and fats as energy; also serves as insulation for body

Type of loose connective tissue that separates cells of the body from the bloodstream; is a go-between for nutrients and wastes to leave and enter the bloodstream on their way to and from the bodies' cells

Which tissue protects, pads, and provides elasticity?

Loose connective tissues is best categorized as which of the following tissue types?

The type of connective tissue that serves as padding and acts as an insulator to slow heat loss through the skin is ___tissue.

These connective tissue cells are closely packed together and have nuclei squeezed to one side by the material that they store.

The type of loose connective tissue shown here is ____ connective tissue

Tendons and ligaments are made of ___ ___ connective tissue.

What type of membrane lines body passageways that eventually open to the external environment?

Many areas of spongy bone contain ___ cells, which are responsible for producing new blood cells.

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