
Health Psychology Questions

Explore questions in the Health Psychology category that you can ask Spark.E!

As different hypotheses are supported with data and become more complex =

alcohol, caffeine, cannabis, hallucinogens, inhalants, opioids, sedatives (& hypnotics & anxiolytics), stimulants, tobacco, and other

new level of homeostasis characterized by increased resistance to stress

What stage on the transtheoretical model regularly checks how you are doing through assessment?

the ________________ triggers the body's sympathetic nervous system

The hypothalamus triggers the body's sympathetic nervous system and the pituitary gland triggers the adrenal glands to release catecholamine _____________.

What four trends should you look for in your family histories that show you have genetic potential to develop a disease?

This nervous and endocrine system response prepares the body to either __________ the stressor or flee from it.

always identify needs before set goals true or false

what part of the nervous system deals with fight or flight?

hasty actions done without forethought and with high potential for harm.

short-term stress, produced by the stress response

wandering off task, difficulty sustaining focus, being disorganized, lacking peristence

eustress and distress are part of _______

humans can control lifestyle true or false

The body stress response, also known as fight or flight, is regulated by the ____________________ and the ___________________.

________ qne other stress hormones can increase central or abdominal fat

treatment based on the development of a positive interpersonally relationship between a client and a therapist

long-term, low level stress in which the stress response continues without resolution

What are the principal cells in the nervous system?