
Gynecology Questions

Explore questions in the Gynecology category that you can ask Spark.E!

What is a dangerous sequelae of metritis in mares

What is the benign sex-cord stromal ovarian tumour?

Most ovarian cysts are ... and are often found incidentally on pelvic USS. Occasional they can cause vague symptoms of pelvic ..., ..., ... in the abdomen, a ... pelvic mass.

What investigation would be requested in a postmenopausal woman presenting with signs/symptoms of a possible ovarian cyst/cancer (abdominal bloating, reduced appetite, early satiety, weight loss, urinary symptoms, pain, ascites, lymphadenopathy)?

Ovarian cysts may present with acute pelvic pain if any of which 3 potential complications occurs?

A 30-year-old is experiencing menorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea. This is causing her to miss work and is resulting in significant distress. She does not have any children and does not feel ready to start a family, but would like to in the future. She has an ultrasound of the pelvis to investigate further. This demonstrates a 2cm intramural fibroid and is otherwise within normal limits. What is the most appropriate treatment for her symptoms?a) Combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP)b) hysterectomyc) hysteroscopic resection of fibroidd) myomectomye) no treatment

Which malignant tumour typically secretes AFP?

A 30-year-old lady presents to the gynaecological outpatient department after she presented to her GP complaining of inability to conceive despite attempting for 2 years. A trans-vaginal ultrasound scan is performed, and the report is given below: A single 5 cm by 7 cm septated cyst is seen on the superior aspect of the right ovary. The left ovary is normal in size and morphology. What further management would you suggest for this patient?a) book for a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomyb) commence metforminc) perform a serum CA-125, αFP and βHCG, and book for elective cystectomyd) perform an ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of the cyst for cytologye) reassurance and review with repeat ultrasound in 8 weeks/3 menstrual cycles' time

If a complex ovarian mass (cyst containing thicker fluid/blood, walls within the cyst (separations) or solid areas) is identified on USS in a woman <40yrs, what further investigations are required?

A 24-year-old woman presents to the emergency department concerned that she cannot find the threads for her intra-uterine device and cannot get an appointment at her GP. She denies any pain, pyrexia, or atypical discharge. She has a regular 28-day menstrual cycle, and her last menstrual period was 7 days ago. She has a transvaginal ultrasound as the threads are not visualised on speculum examination. The device is visualised and threads are found to be drawn back into the cervical canal. The threads are brought back into view. There is also noted to be a 4cm multiloculated cyst with strong blood flow in the right ovary. What is the most appropriate action?a) reassure patient as cyst is asymptomaticb) refer for biopsy of cystc) refer for urgent laparotomy and cyst removald) yearly transvaginal ultrasound to assess for cyst growth or changese) reassure patient as cyst is < 5cm

Which tumour is the following?- produces androgens -> masculinising effects- associated with Peutz-Jegher syndrome

Which tumour is the following?- rare malignant tumour that is part of the spectrum of gestational trophoblastic disease (usually develops from a molar pregnancy)- typically have increased hCG levels- often characterised by haematogenous spread to the lungs

What is the following tumour?- most common malignant germ cell tumour- typically occurs in young women- histological appearance similar to that of testicular carcinoma- associated with Turner's syndrome- typically secrete hCG and LDH

A 32 year-old lady has a diagnosis of fibroids and has been trying for a baby for 18 months. She has been under investigation at the sub-fertility clinic and no abnormality has been found except for three uterine fibroids, for which she does not have any symptoms. Her partner has had sperm analysis which found no abnormality. Which of the following treatments are most appropriate in this situation?a) myomectomyb) goserelin acetate (GnRH agonist)c) endometrial ablationd) uterine artery embolisatione) ulipristal acetate

Which malignant tumours are most common in children/adolescent girls?

Which tumour is the following?- produces oestrogen leading to precocious puberty if in children or endometrial hyperplasia in adults- contains Call-Exner bodies

Specialist referral to gynae should be considered for women with fibroids >/=...

In which context are corpus luteum cysts typically seen?

Which benign ovarian tumour is associated with an increased risk of torsion?

What does a palpable pelvic mass or an enlarged firm non-tender uterus on abdominal/bimanual pelvic examination suggest?

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