
Geology Questions

Explore questions in the Geology category that you can ask Spark.E!

how many minerals combine to form 95% of all rocks on Earth

rock features, fossils, glacial features, continents fit together like a puzzle pieces

location of earthquakes/volcanoes, convection currents, sea floor spreading, and magnetic reversals

Basalt (fine grained and also some porphyritic)

A _____ is a solid, inorganic, naturally-formed substance without a particular atomic structure or chemical composition.

Minerals are classified by their properties and _____ classes.

Common _____ rocks include slate and marble.

Detritus are solid particles from _____ rocks.

Like sedimentary rock, metamorphic rock is a _____ rock.

Detrital sedimentary rocks are accumulations of _____.

_____ sedimentary rocks are derived from material carried in solution to lakes and oceans.

_____ is the most abundant chemical sedimentary rock, and it's typically formed when _____ precipitates due to evaporation.

The two main types of sedimentary rocks are _____ and _____.

_____ rocks are formed from pre-existing igneous, sedimentary, and even other metamorphic rocks.

_____ is the transformation of one rock into another.

Intrusive igneous rock are often referred to as _____ rock.

Chemical classes of minerals include groups like silicates, _____, and carbonates.

_____ is molten rock made by the partial melting of rocks in the earth's interior under conditions of high temperature and high pressure.

_____ include minerals like mica and feldspar.

Magma that reaches the earth's surface is called _____.

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