Geography of Europe Questions
Explore questions in the Geography of Europe category that you can ask Spark.E!
Combien d'Européens ont quitté l'Europe au XIXème siècle ?
Quel pays accueille la moitié des migrants européens au XIXème siècle ?
Quels sont les pays qui sont particulièrement concernés par cette forte croissance démographique ?
T or F?: Iberian Peninsula is the largest peninsula in Europe.
What countries are home to the Iberian Peninsula.
Where is the highest peak in the Alps located and what does it border with.
Europe lies more than .... away from a coastline.
What did the Dutch build since the Middle Ages to protect against sea waters.
The alps mountain range forms a crescent from ..... to the ...... peninsula.
True or false: The Pyrenees mountain range separates the Iberian Peninsula from the rest of Europe.
United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK)
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Macedonia)
what peninsula is Spain and Portugal located on?
What region of Europe is most densely populated due to its proximity to the northern Europe?
What part of Europe is struggling with high unemployment and debt
French spanish and italian are best known for what?
What country is the Jutland peninsula home to?
mountain range separates Spain from France
________________________ Sea is an important route for trade and cultural exchange that borders Europe, Africa, and Asia.
What large country is both in Europe and Asia?