
Genetics Questions

Explore questions in the Genetics category that you can ask Spark.E!

What enzyme is responsible for creating the RNA polymer?

What is the triplet combination of mRNA nucleotides that codes for an amino acid called?

What is the ribosomal site where incoming amino acids arrive called?

Which parts of the RNA are noncoding and removed from the mRNA?

What is the complementary sequence to the codon on the tRNA called?

Which parts of the RNA are coding segments that remain in the mRNA?

During which stage is DNA used to make RNA?

What is the ribosomal site that carries the growing polypeptide chain called?

transcription from DNA to RNA occurs in the

Translation of RNA to protein occurs in the

what does a resesive gene look like in genotype form?

if one parent had brown hair (Aa) and the other parent had blond hair (aa) what oercent would have blond hair?

what does a dominant gene look like in genotype from

make a punnet square where allele 1 is blue eyes GG and allele 2 is green eyes gg what persent would have blue eyes?

Define "non-coding sequence" as related to DNA function.Understanding: Some regions of DNA do not code for proteins but have other important functions.

What gets the parent strand ready for replication?

Every 3 bases on mRNA represent a _____

The actual transfer and assembly of proteins is carried out by the nucleic acid ___

What was the hypothesis that illustrated that every gene codes for a protein or polypeptide?

How many possible combinations are there with U, A, G, C

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