
Gastroenterology Questions

Explore questions in the Gastroenterology category that you can ask Spark.E!

67y/o man complains of intermittent abdominal discomfort, distension and nausea. Positive Murphy's sign

76y/o woman, diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The tumour was not resectable and a stent was placed at ERCP. Presents acutely with RUQ pain, and rigors. On examination she is jaundiced and 38.5°C with tenderness in the right upper quadrant

56y/o woman, with troublesome abdominal distension and bloating, relieved by defaecation. Often constipated with stools ribbon-like in appearance. Weight is stable

43y/o lady, known gallstones, has severe upper abdominal pain and vomiting. Is on waiting list for surgery. On examination she is tender in the epigastrium and her serum amylase is 1544 IU/L.

75y/o woman, severe pain in left iliac fossa, fever, constipation. Tenderness and guarding on left side. Leukocytosis

35y/o man with dyspepsia nad epigastric pain, releived by antacid. Symptoms on and off for 1 year, pain is worse when hungry

45y/o homeless man, severe abdominal pain for 3 days. Vomited large amounts of fresh blood prior to admission. Examination shows is well perfused, and has several laparotomy scars on abdomen. Hb 152

Gall stones - What's more common: Pigmented or cholesterol?

How much should unit of blood increase Hb?

N/V, dyspepsia, pain on palpation and after meals, 80% asymptomatic

Gene involved in primary haemochromatosis and inheritance pattern

45y/o female, pruritus, graves disease, jaundice. What test?

70y/o female presents with longstanding history of constipation now complains of diarrhoea and enuresis. Rectum is full of faeces

11y/o girl is seen in ED, right loin pain and rigors. Frequent attendee at the paediatric urology clinic, renal surgery as an infant. On examination, 38.5°C and is tender upon balloting the kidney. Urine dipstick reveals blood, protein and nitrites and an MSU is awaited

22y/o male complains of crampy abdominal pain, bloody diarrhoea. No recent history of foreign travel

50y/o man complains of passing black tarry tools and epigastric discomfort

24y/o man from ED is complaining of severe left loin pain radiating to scrotum and macroscopic haematuria. On examination he is apyrexial and there is minimal left loin pain. Urine dipstick confirms heavy haematuria

42y/o woman at ED with severe RUQ pain, anorexia, nausea and vomiting. On examination temperature is 38°C, rebound tenderness over the tip of the ninth rib

Colon cancer region based on symptoms:Obstructive symptoms, change in bowel movements

60y/o male presents with a 3 months history of altered bowel habit and weight loss f 6kg

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