
Econometrics Questions

Explore questions in the Econometrics category that you can ask Spark.E!

When solving with EXPONENTIAL model use

Explanatory variable goes on _ axis

Equation to find slope for least squares regression line

calculating a t-statistic for a slope coefficient (in both a bivariate regression model and a multiple regression model)

Degrees of freedom for bivariate regression model

calculating a predicted value of the dependent variable for specified values of the independent variable(s) (in both a bivariate regression model and a multiple regression model)

reference category (when using dummy variables to reflect the effect of a categorical or ordinal variable with 2 or more categories)

Multiplying the dependent variable by 100 and the explanatory variable by 100 leaves the

Which of the following statements is correct?

When there are two coefficients, the resulting confidence sets are

If the absolute value of your calculated t-statistic exceeds the critical value such as 1.96 from the standard normal distribution, you can

You have to worry about perfect multicollinearity in the multiple regression model because

The overall regression F-statistic tests the null hypothesis that

When you have an omitted variable problem, the assumption that E(ui | Xi) = 0 is violated. This implies that

Case 3: The unemployment rate in each U.S. state observed each month from January 1947 to December 2023. (cross-sectional, time-series, panel, or pooled)?

Case 2: The unemployment rate in each U.S. state in December 2023. (cross-sectional, time-series, panel, or pooled)?

Case 1: The United States unemployment rate observed monthly from January 1947 to December 2023. (cross-sectional, time-series, panel, or pooled)?

In a linear regression what determines the effect?

True or False. Linear regressions with different intercepts can have different effects.

A method of finding the best model for a linear relationship between the explanatory and response variable.