
Ecology Questions

Explore questions in the Ecology category that you can ask Spark.E!

Residence time of water drop in a river

Residence time of water molecule in atmosphere

Which of the following is the classic hot and dry desert?

Which of the following biomes are considered temperate biomes?

During the Devonian period of Gondwanaland, what were the two organisms that thrived?

What aspect of chaparral shrubs is both a part of their natural defenses and the reason many are popular in cooking?

Why is the chaparral biome not sensitive to the loss of a single species?

Which of the following adaptations would you expect to find in an animal from the alpine biome, but not in the taiga?A) hibernationB) MigrationC) large stomachsD) large pawsE) large lungs

The arctic tundra is not normally thought to be an organism rich environment. However, during the productive summer months, it comes alive with organisms. Which answer is not found in the arctic tundra in July?A) large numbers of birds that have migrated northB) Great amounts of mosquitoes and other insectsC) Bears in hibernation conditionsD) windy conditions with little rainE) bearberries and other flowering shrubs and plants

Which of the following is not an adaptation of birds to living in the chaparral biome? A) ground dwellingB) crepuscular activityC) nesting in treesD) moisture rich dietE) migration during mating season

What adaptations of plants and animals developed that allow them to survive the extreme climate of the tundra?A) thick furB) dense hairC) retention of dead leavesD) feathered feetE) all of the above

Which of the following is not true about the evolution of biomes?A) both natural and artificial changes can cause evolution to biomesB) volcanic activity can result in the evolution of biomes C) biome evolution is influenced by tectonic shifts that change the shape of continentsD) human activities cannot impact the evolution of biomesE) biome evolution is affected by ocean drifts

Which of the following adaptations does not protect tundra organisms from heat loss?A) thick furB) retention of dead leavesC) dense hairD) production of chemicals to ward off insectsE) none of the above

Which of the following statements about the tundra is not true?A) tundra means "treeless land"B) plants and animals in the tundra have adapted to the extreme climateC) temperatures in the tundra range from extreme highs to extreme lowsD) The alpine tundra can be found on mountain topsE) The tundra has a layer of soil that is always frozen called permafrost

Which of the following adaptations helps alpine animals deal with the high elevation?

Salt glands allow desert animals to reduce their water loss due to ___

Plants will adapt in taiga biomes in different ways than an alpine biomes. What is the most notable difference?

Which of the following would be the most important adaptation for a desert dwelling animal to possess?

Which of the following is not a way in which biomes can change?A) volcanic activityB) Human activityC) Temperature changesD) Solar eclipsesE) Moon rotation

Which of the following adaptations of tundra plants does not specifically aid in surviving in the cold?A) shallow rootsB) dense hairsC) retention of dead leavesD) low to the ground

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