Criminal Psychology Questions
Explore questions in the Criminal Psychology category that you can ask Spark.E!
how many series of structured situation episodes were there ?
Who conducted the study about twins for biologically explaining criminality?
What was another study conducted when using biological explanations of criminality?
Who conducted the adoption studies for biologically explaining criminality?
Describe one ethical consideration in research used in understanding the relationship between the brain and behaviour.
Describe one research method used to investigate the relationship between brain and behaviour.
Explain one cultural dimension with reference to one study
Describe one effect of stereotypes with reference to one study
Describe one study related to genetics and behavior.
Describe one study related to the role of pheromones in human behavior.
Describe one effect of one hormone on behavior, with reference to one relevant study. [M22]
Describe one evolutionary explanation of one behavior, with reference to one study.
Describe SIT making reference to one study
Describe one study investigating cultural norms
Describe one study investigating enculturation
With reference to one study, outline the effect of one agonist or one antagonist on human behaviour.
Describe one study investigating the formation of stereotypes
Eysneck's personality theory - what personalities are introverts?
Psychodynamic - What happens if an individual has a weakly developed superego?
Psychodynamic - According to Freud what are the 3 elements that make up a humans personality?