
Computer Skills Questions

Explore questions in the Computer Skills category that you can ask Spark.E!

insert tab-charts group-type of chart drop down

You want to format a cell so the text is spread evenly throughout the cell, wrapping automatically and adjusting the row height, if necessary. Which of the following alignment options should be used?

You don't like the cell style you just applied. Which of the following is the least effective way to remove or replace the style?

You cannot split a single worksheet cell that has not been merged

After you select a color and apply it to a cell's background, the Fill Color button takes on that color.

When you point to defined styles in the Cell Styles gallery, you can see the formatting that will be used when you apply each style.

When you delete cells in a worksheet, you remove one or more cells, forcing other cells to move down or to the right.

Which of the following can you not copy using Format Painter?

Which of the following is not useful for changing the font size?

Style attributes include fonts and font sizes, number formats, and borders and shading.

Which feature enables you to create custom tabs and groups?

Which option do you click on bullets list to use symbol or picture for a bullet character?

Which of the following can you customize for quicker access to the most commonlyused commands?

You can access Backstage view by pressing Ctrl + B.

You cannot have more than one worksheet in an Excel workbook.

What is the most precise way to increase amount of white space between two paragraphs?

You can create a completely new ribbon tab as well as groups on that ribbon.

If you have too many columns on a page, the only option to see them all on a printed page is to decrease the column width.

Which of the following do you use to open Backstage view?

Small Caps and All Caps are examples of what?

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