Computer Graphics Questions
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What is the difference between a discrete and a continuous field in Tableau?A. A discrete field represents categorical data, while a continuous field represents numeric data.B. A discrete field represents numeric data, while a continuous field represents categorical data.C. A discrete field is represented by individual data points, while a continuous field is represented by a continuous range of values.D. There is no difference between a discrete and a continuous field in Tableau.
What is a dual-axis chart in Tableau?A. A type of chart that includes multiple axes.B. A type of chart that displays data as a color gradient.C. A type of chart that displays data as a series of points.D. A type of chart that displays data as a line graph.
What is a hierarchy in Tableau?A. A type of chart that displays values as bars.B. A grouping of related dimensions that can be navigated hierarchically.C. A type of data source that is optimized for live connections to data.D. A type of join used to combine data from multiple tables.
What is a measure in Tableau?A. A column in a data source that contains categorical data.B. A data type used to represent numerical values.C. A type of join used to combine data from multiple tables.D. A value that can be aggregated or computed based on other measures.
What is a dimension in Tableau?A. A measure that is computed based on the values of one or more dimensions.B. A column in a data source that contains categorical data.C. A data type used to represent numerical values.D. A type of join used to combine data from multiple tables.
What is a calculated field in Tableau?A. A column in a data source that is created by performing a calculation on existing columns.B. A chart that displays values as bars.C. A type of data source that is optimized for live connections to data.D. A type of join used to combine data from multiple tables.
Which one of the following is not a valid filter type in Tableau?A. Dimension filterB. Measure filterC. Table filterD. Context filter
What is a dual axis chart in Tableau?A. A chart that combines two different chart types on the same axis.B. A chart that displays values as bars.C. A type of data source that is optimized for live connections to data.D. A type of join used to combine data from multiple tables.
What is the difference between a worksheet and a dashboard in Tableau?A. A worksheet is a single chart or table, while a dashboard is a collection of worksheets.B. A worksheet is a collection of worksheets, while a dashboard is a single chart or table.C. A worksheet is used for data exploration, while a dashboard is used for data analysis.D. There is no difference between a worksheet and a dashboard in Tableau.
Which one of the following is not a valid aggregation function in Tableau?A. SumüB. CountC. AverageD. Maximize
What is a group in Tableau?A. A grouping of related dimensions that can be navigated hierarchically.B. A type of chart that displays values as bars.C. A type of data source that is optimized for live connections to data.D. A type of join used to combine data from multiple tables.
What is a parameter in Tableau?A. A type of chart that displays values as bars.B. A value that can be used to dynamically change the behavior of a calculation.C. A type of data source that is optimized for live connections to data.D. A type of join used to combine data from multiple tables.
1. Which one of the following is not a valid data type in Tableau?A. StringB. IntegerC. BooleanD. Complex
Which one of the following is not a type of join in Tableau?A. Inner joinB. Left joinC. Right joinD. Top join
Which one of the following is not a valid chart type in Tableau?A. Line chartB. Bar chartC. Pie chartD. Cube chart
Which of the following statements is true about Tableau?A. Tableau is a relational database management system.B. Tableau is a business intelligence and data visualization tool.C. Tableau is a programming language used for statistical analysis.D. Tableau is an operating system.
Glanzer & cunitz - Duration of short term memory
Nurnberger and Gershon - concordance rate
Glanzer & cunitz - Short term memory capacity (chunks of info)
library(ggplot2)ggplot(gapminder_2007, aes(x=gdpPercap, y=lifeExp))+geom_point()