
Comparative Politics Questions

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A __________ is an amalgamation of various ethnic and racial groups living in a given territory (country). Example: __________

Some nations are natural (__________) while some are artificially created (__________)

A __________ comprises people and institutions that have been given the power to enforce and implement political decisions for a society

__________ is the legal right for a government to rule

According to __________, politics also involves the struggle for the mandate to allocate resources that are valued by people

According to __________, politics is a process of making collective decisions in a community or society through the use of power

Political Science __________ __________ from other disciplines such as: psychology, history, sociology, economics, anthropology, etc.

According to __________, politics involves the use of power to determine "who gets what, when, how, and where"

__________ __________ is providing needed services to communities such as health education or helping a community to rebuild after a natural disaster

According to __________, because almost everything is political, studying politics means studying nearly everything" since it overlaps with and borrows freely from other disciplines.

The executive, legislative, and judicial branches are __________ __________

Appointed officials and bureaucrats (civil servants) are __________ __________

According to __________, politics is a social process involving rivalry, competition and cooperation between various interest groups and the outcome of which results in the making of decisions for the group

__________ is being able to effect public policy through contacts with people of authority and power

Power: It is all about the __________ and __________ of power

According to __________, politics also involves the use of strategies in resolving conflicts between competing groups

Elected and unelected officials are __________

Social peace and prosperity is the result of __________ __________ __________

According to __________, Political Science is "the master science" because politics is indispensable to society

__________ is defined as the ability of one person to get another to do something

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