
Civil Law Questions

Explore questions in the Civil Law category that you can ask Spark.E!

If old cases with similar facts but decisions opposite to the one a judge wants to take, what does the judge needs to do?

In criminal cases the defendant is either _________ or __________.

Putting a person in immediate fear and apprehension of harmful or offensive contact is called what?

In civil cases the defendant is either _______ or ________.

Are breaches included in tort laws?

State of Hawaii Uniform Land Sales Practices Act is administered by whom?

Where are private land use controls posted?

What is the disclosure documents used for condominium sales?

What is the disclosure documents used for Time Share sales?

What is it called when real property is converted to personal property?

What is it called when personal property is converted to real property?

Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act is administered by whom?

Building must be ____ feet from a navigable body of water.

What is the disclosure documents used for subdivision sales in Hawaii?

What is the suit a public entity initiates to aquire property using eminent domain?

Most common expression of police power

Land use control, control of improvements and taxation are regulated by who?

What is the disclosure documents used for interstate subdivision sales?

What is an appropriate/acceptable state interest that satisfies the due process requirements of personal jurisdiction?

What options does a defendant have if venue is in a county where the tort occurred but D has no office there and transacts no business there?

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