
Chemistry Questions

Explore questions in the Chemistry category that you can ask Spark.E!

Which are the polar charged AA, with an alkaline (+) side chain?

How many standard AA are there ?

Which 2 main human activities contribute to the increase of methane in the atmosphere?

Which 2 main human activities contribute to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Originally, what was the atmosphere primarily composed of?

Give the 3 parts of the composition of Earth's atmosphere and their approximate percentage volumes.

What is believed to have caused the early atmospheric composition?

Number of amino acids found in human proteins

Hydrogen sulfite ion (bisulfite ion)

Comprised of _ amino group + 1 carboxyl group, which _____ in each amino acid

Importance_________- myosin make up muscle fibers____________-cytoskeletal proteins ________________-hemoglobin transports oxygenDefense-antibodies__________-hormones, insulin, cell membraneproteins________-enzymes

Proteins include ______, _______, hemoglobin spindle fibers

Which common formula is used to calculate the pH in buffers?

If you titrate a weak base with a strong acid, would the equivalence point pH be somewhat acidic or basic?

A solution that resists a change in pH when either an acid or base is added

What is the molecular formula for sulfuric acid and sulfurous acid?

experiment used to determine the unknown concentration of an acid or base in a solution

What type of salt forms in a neutralization reaction between a strong acid and a strong base?

Write the equation depicting the addition of strong base (OH-) to a buffer solution of acetic acid (CH3COOH) and NaCH3COO- (sodium acetate)

If you titrate a weak acid with a strong base, would the equivalence point pH be somewhat acidic or basic?

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