
Cell Biology Questions

Explore questions in the Cell Biology category that you can ask Spark.E!

What is the haploid number of chromosomes in corn?

What is the diploid number of chromosomes in corn?

What is the key product of the calvin cycle?

How does H2O get to the site of photosynthesis ?

What subatomic particle of Hydrogen fuels the production of ATP?

How does CO2 get to the site of photosynthesis?

Where do the carbon atoms in sugars produced originate?

During what stage (s) of cellular respiration is 6CO2 produced?

During what stage (s) of cellular respiration is 6H2O produced?

Biological female offspring have (what kind of chromosomes in the 23rd pair)?

In what molecule does the CArbon from CO2 end up in at the end of photosynthesis?

The product of fertilization is a...

During which phase of meiosis does Independent Assortment occur?

A _____________ is the complete set of chromosomes of an organism, arranged and displayed in pairs and ordered by size.

During which phase of meiosis does the nuclear membrane reform around chromosomes?

During which phase of meiosis do homologous chromosomes move towards opposite poles of a dividing cell?

Body cells containing homologous chromosomes are referred to as...

What subatomic particle of Hydrogen is accepted by NADP?

Why is it good that the Waxy Cuticle is on the top of the leaf?

During which phase of the meiotic cell cycle does DNA replication occur?

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