Cardiology Questions
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Selective angiotensin receptor (AT1) blockers (ARBs) - examples
sino-atrial disease is common in individuals aged
CASE STUDY• 65-year-old man, discharged from hospital before - 1 month after - a dizzy spell• admitted again with recurrent dizziness and a blackoutECG shows PR interval > 0.2diagnosis
sinus node ___________ during inspiration and ___________ during expiration
CASE 3• 68 year old woman, who had MI 8 years ago, presents with episodes of fast, regular palpitation and near collapse, chest pains• Had experienced a build up of exertional chest discomfort over the preceding weekECG shows signs of ventricular tachycardia whilst in the emergency room, the patient collapses unconscious + is pulseless ECG shows no identifiable P waves, QRS complexes or T wavesdiagnosis?
CASE 2• 72 year old woman, presents with episodes of fast, irregular palpitations• history of prolonged childhood illness with arthritis, and heart murmurECG shows irregularly irregular rhythm, absent P waves, fibrillation waves + chaotic/noisy baseline DIAGNOSIS
aldosterone promotes ______ retention and _______ excretion into the lumen of the distal tubule and collecting duct
since digoxin has a long half-life, ___________ is required for rapid effect
beta-blockers in heart failure - there may be a temporary _________
mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists should be prescribed for patients with _____________ and an EF of ________________
digoxin, digitoxin = examples of what type of drug?
hydralazine is an arterial _______ (which decreases afterload)
examples of sodium-glucose transporter type 2 inhibitors (SGLT-2)
right ventricular failure + left ventricular failure at the same time is called
if the decreases to 50 beats/min or less you should review the need for other drugs which lower blood pressure such as
mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists are prescribed for heart failure at only ____ doses
what should you assess before prescribing ACEi for heart failure
if the heart rate decreases to 50 beats/min or less you should review the need for other drugs which slow heart rate such as ____________ and arrange for an ECG to exclude
hyperkalaemia is exacerbated in the presence of ____________ or other drugs that favour retention such as ________
loop diuretics - _____, _____ function, _____ and _________ rechecked at around 1-2 weeks but earlier in those at risk of adverse effects