
Business Questions

Explore questions in the Business category that you can ask Spark.E!

what are the 3 steps in the marketing process?

The transmission of information electronically between computing devices.

The presence or introduction of harmful substances into the air causing disease, allergies or damage to humans, animals, plants or the built environment.

The conversion of waste into reusable material.

Sets out the duties and responsibilities of both employers and employees for health and safety in the workplace.

The percentage of the population of working age that are employed.

The effects of overuse of transport networks, for example slower speeds, traffic queues and longer journey times.

The state of key factors within a country such as the level of goods and services produced and the number of jobs available.

Occurs when there is a lack of information about a situation. This means the outcome is difficult to predict.

When business activities result in harmful effects on other people not directly involved in production.

When more than one business is attempting to attract the same customers.

An approach to managing businesses in which the interests of all groups in society are taken into account when making decisions.

The unwanted material left over from the production process; it may have little or no value and the business may have to pay for its disposal.

The possibility that the return on investment will be lower than expected

Exist where there are buyers and sellers.

When governments, businesses and individuals invest capital into another country.

A contract of employment where the employer is not obliged to provide any minimum hours of work; the employee is not obliged to accept any work that is offered.

A company which produces goods and services in more than one country.

The steady increase in the earth's temperature due to emissions and the buildup of greenhouse gases, resulting in climate changes.

Good/service bought from a supplier in another country.

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