
Botany Questions

Explore questions in the Botany category that you can ask Spark.E!

group of seed plants that bear their seeds directly on the scales of cones

spore producing plant; multicellular diploid phase of a plant life cycle

plant embryo and a food supply encased in a protective covering

life cycle that has two alternating phases—a haploid (N) phase and diploid (2N) phase

transfer of pollen from the male reproductive structure to the female reproductive structure

gamete producing plant; multicellular haploid phase of a plant life cycle

The structure of the angiosperm that contains one or more matured ovaries

group of plants that have specialized reproductive organs but lack vascular tissue; includes mosses and their relatives

specialized tissue in plants that carries water and nutrients

in plants, the structure that surrounds and protects seeds

period of time during which a plant embryo is alive but not growing

The resumption of growth of the plant embryo following dormancy

female gametophyte within the ovule of a flowering plant

process of fertilization in angiosperms in which the first event produces the zygote, and the second produces the endosperm within the seed

angiosperm with one seed leaf in its ovary

food-rich tissue that nourishes a seedling as it grows

first leaf or first pair of leaves produced by the embryo of a seed plant

vascular tissue that transports solutions of nutrients and carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis through the plant

structure in seed cones in which the female gametophytes develop

angiosperm with two seed leaves in its ovary

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