
Biomechanics Questions

Explore questions in the Biomechanics category that you can ask Spark.E!

end feel in the acromioclavicular joint and capsular pattern?

What are the isokinetic strength ratios for agonist (External Rotation - ER) to antagonist (Internal Rotation - IR) during different muscle actions?

Weakness of ER's especially Glut max and Posterior fibers of glut med

How is the deficit assessed in isokinetic dynamometry for muscle strength impairment monitoring, especially in the context of rotator cuff repair?

arthrokinematics of the acromioclavicular joint

range of motion for upward rotation in the acromioclavicular joint?

n which plane do external and internal rotations occur in the glenohumeral joint?

Where does the medial end of the scapula acromion attach?

How does a torn labrum, as seen in a Bankart lesion, affect the likelihood of recurrent dislocation?

In which plane does abduction-adduction occur in the glenohumeral joint?

Coefficient of Variation (CV) and variability-based valid for assessing sincerity of effort?

What contributes to the motion of abduction, and how much is attributed to scapular rotation?

What type of joint is the glenohumeral joint, and what is its configuration?

What is the composition of the glenoid labrum?

In the resting position, how far is the medial border of the scapula from the spine?

How much of the glenohumeral abduction is accounted for by the acromioclavicular joint until 90º?

What clinical issue may result from spur formation in the scapula acromion?

The humerus is the second longest bone in the human body. TRUE OR FALSE

What is the superior face of the scapula acromion roughened for?

What clinical observation can be associated with long-lasting rotator cuff tears and suprascapular nerve entrapments?

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