
Biochemistry Questions

Explore questions in the Biochemistry category that you can ask Spark.E!

DNA is wrapped tightly around small proteins called

If a reaction occurs, the ligand is a ____________ and the protein is called an ____________.

cofactors or organic (w/carbon) coenzymes bind to...

Cytosine and Guanine are held together with how many hydrogen bonds

Adenine and Thymine and Adenine and Uracil are held together with how many hydrogen bonds

metabolic reactions are typically...(exothermic/endothermic) and have...(positive/negative) ΔH

The hydroxyl group of DNA is associated with what end

cooperative Binding of a substrate to one subunit (increases?/decreases?) the affinity of the other subunits for substrates

What kind of chemical bond is the peptide bond?

DNA is polymerized or elongated in what direction?

The phosphate group of DNA is associated with what end

Amino acids have different properties depending on what?

in biology, what is favored over synthesis?

glucose metabolism makes how many ATP?

if the carbonyl group is in the middle of the carbon skeleton of a polysaccharides

chromosome Centromeres (composed of heterochromatin and DNA repeats) are attached by...

the dual nature of a phospholipid makes them

beta glucose can store _____ hydrogen bonds compared to alpha glucose

A peptide bond forms between ___ site and ___ site during translation

Phosphorylation is done by __________

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