
Archaeology Questions

Explore questions in the Archaeology category that you can ask Spark.E!

Great Alter of Zeus and Athena at PergamonHellenisticAsia Minor (present-day Turkey)

Alexander Mosaic from the House of Faun, PompeiiRepublican RomanPompeii, Italy

Winged Victory of SamothraceHellenisticGreece

Sacrophagus of the SpousesEtruscanCerveteri, Italy

Seated BoxerHellenisticPompeii, Italy

As an archaeologist, if you wished to build a model of a landscape surface but you were obstructed by thick rainforest, which survey technique would be most effective?

Aerial images clearly reveal the presence of archaeological sites.

The past two centuries have seen many scientific and theoretical developments in archaeology. Which of these developments can be attributed to the twentieth or twenty-first centuries?

Ludovisi Battle SarcophagusLate Imperial RomanRome, Italy

LiDAR has been extremely valuable to archaeologists in recent years. Identify the advantages of LiDAR over conventional aerial photography.

Church of Sainte-Foy, Romanesque, Conques France, stone (architecture)

Which bodies write and enforce legislation protecting archaeological sites?

Archaeology is the study of former societies through the remains of their

Imagine that you are an archaeologist who has obtained documentary source information that there is likely to be an archaeological site on the land of a large farm. At which time of year would it be best to take aerial images of the area?

The layers of an archaeological site are also referred to as

Petra: Treasury and Great TempleNabataean Ptolemaic RomanJordan

Chartres Cathedral, Gothic Europe, France, limestone and stained glass

Pantheon (and picture with dome)Imperial RomanRome, Italy

Bayeux Tapestry, Romanesque, Europe (English/Norman), Embroidery on linen

Forum of Trajan (4 pics)Apollodorus of Damascus Imperial RomanRome, Italy

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