
Ancient History Questions

Explore questions in the Ancient History category that you can ask Spark.E!

3. Why did early Greek communities sometimes fight each other?

Why was the Parthenon originally built? What connection did it have to the Persian War?

3. What famous Greek Epic Poems are connected to the Mycenaeans?

3. What type of leisure activities are the Minoans known for?

Forbidden Deserts on either side of the Nile =

People of all classes planned for their burials so that they might safely reach the _____ _____

Filled the tomb with items of the dead person could use in the afterlife, such as ____, _________, and _______

Every year in July the Nile River _________________ leaving behind rich soil

Many Egyptians purchased _______ that contained hymns, _______ and magic spells intended to guide the soul into the afterlife. This collection of texts is known as the ____ __ ___ ____

Farmers believed they needed blessings from the priests for success of their

Developed the world's first,Specialization of

The Sumerian cities shared the same culture, but they each developed their own __________

The Sumerians was one of the first groups to form a

Sumer's earliest governments were controlled by temple

Each Sumerian and the land surrounding it it controlled formed a

Sumerians had built a number of ______ each surrounded by fields of barley and _____

Priests demanded a portion of the crops as

Confucianism - Ruler must not only _______ laws but set an _______

Legalism - Only the _____ has the _________ and needs to use it (autocracy)

Daoism/Taoism - Belief in the ____ and ____

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