
Analytical Chemistry Questions

Explore questions in the Analytical Chemistry category that you can ask Spark.E!

volume initial solution (calcul used to calculate mpure)

true or false A change of 1 on the pH scale is equal to a change of 10x molar concentration

How would you change the mobile phase so compound C would elute sooner, without changing the relative positions of compounds A and B

Why is it common to use absorbance values rather than transmittance values when doing quantitative UV-Vis spectroscopy

Why must sugars and fatty acids be derivatized before GC analysis, while pesticides and aroma compounds need not be derivatized

Does anion-exchange stationary phase have a + or - charge?

A particular food coloring has a molar absorptivity of 3.8 × 103 cm−1 M−1 at 510 nm. What will be the absorbance of a 2 × 10−4 M solution in a 1-cm cuvette at 510 nm?

What factors should be considered in selecting a specific method for mineral analysis for a food product

In fluroescence spectroscopy, why is the wavelength of the emitted radiation longer than the wavelength of the radiation used for the excitation of the analyte

You are performing liquid chromatography using a stationary phase that contains a polar nonionic functional group. What type of chromatography is this, and what could you do to increase the retention time of an analyte?

What is the overall charge of the protein of interest that adsorbed to the stationary phase

What factors can contribute to the attenuation of a beam of radiation as it passed through cuvette containing an absorbing solution

is the isoelectric point of the protein of interest higher or lower than pH 8.0

What is the physical variable measured in mass spectrometry?

Relationship between frequency and wavelength

What units of mass do we use most in biotech?

What units of volume do we use the most in biotech?

Describe different types of stationary phases used in chromatography.

What are some characteristics of a mobile phase?

Acceleration of ions depends on _____ ?

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