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How to Write A Scholarship Essay

With over 1.5 million scholarships available in the U.S., securing one isn’t as easy as it seems. A standout scholarship essay is key to success. But how do you write one that grabs attention and wins funding? This guide breaks down seven simple steps to craft a compelling, winning essay. Read more!

Posted on 2/3/2025 - 4 min read

Did you know over 1.5 million scholarships are available in the US annually?

Looking at those numbers, you’ll think it's so easy to get into one, right? Well, it's not. 

One of the things you're accessed with when applying for a scholarship is a scholarship essay. It's so important you nail it if you intend to secure any financial aid for your university tuition.

But the question is, how do you write a superb scholarship essay if you've never written one? 

In this post, I'll walk you through everything you need to write a winning scholarship essay.

What is a Scholarship Essay?

A scholarship essay is a written statement or short essay you're asked to write alongside your scholarship application by providers.

You're being asked to provide this because the committee wants to know you more as a person, not just your grades.

A scholarship essay usually comes with a prompt or questions they'd love you to answer.

You'll usually come across questions like:

  • How can this scholarship help you?
  • Tell us about your academic and career goals
  • Have there been times when you failed? What did you learn from it?
  • How exactly have you contributed to your local community service?
  • Why do you want to study this course?

These are some of the most common scholarship essay prompts or questions you'll be asked.

A good scholarship essay should align with the core values of the scholarship provider. You should be able to convince them why picking you is a good call for their charitable cause.

How to Write a Scholarship Essay in 7 Steps

This is the question that brought you here. How exactly do you pen down a superb essay that reflects the goal of the institution while answering the questions they've thrown your way?

I'll walk you through this in seven simple steps.

1. Carryout proper research on the scholarship provider

This is the first thing you should do before you even think about writing the essay. It's really important you know what their organization is all about.

Thanks to Google, this is really easy to do. It's actually going to be the easiest part of all this. Get acquainted with when they were founded, their achievements, and their community impact. If possible, find any details about the members on the review panel.

Trust me, somehow, some of this information will come in handy when you're writing your scholarship essay.

2. Understand your audience

Your audience in this scenario is the scholarship committee reviewing the applications. 

After researching about them, you should know the values that matter most to them. At some point in writing your essay, try to see when you can tie it around those values.

Be aware of the things they'll love to hear you talk about or answer, like those prompts I mentioned earlier.

This is a part a lot of students are going to miss. It's your opportunity to stand out.

3. Hook your reader from the start

You have to understand these guys would be reading hundreds of essays. What does this tell you? You've got to keep them hooked from the start.

There are a few ways to go about this. You can open with a few sentences about your life, a shocking fact or a statistic.

My point is? You have to stand out from the crowd.

4. Brainstorm your ideas before you start writing

Create a master list of possible essay topics based on your experiences and credentials. Reflect on your defining moments—both proud and difficult. Then, a map of which messages and stories best align with the prompt and scholarship.

5. Try to be specific, detailed and concise

You want to avoid vague and broad statements. It won't help you. Instead, I'll recommend you stick with specific details and examples that add colour. 

But also edit ruthlessly to cut content that distracts rather than contributes to telling your story. So, try to find the right balance to share just enough.

6. Stick to a proven writing format

The basic essay structure of the opening, body, and closing paragraphs stands the test of time. 

So, don't try to get creative in this area. Try to organize your messages and stories within this familiar flow. Also, ensure whoever is reading this can easily follow your train of thought.

7. Take your time to proofread and edit the essay

Typos or grammar errors give the impression of carelessness. Ask teachers, parents, and friends to provide feedback on where your essay shines and needs sharpening. 

Revise weak spots before finalizing your draft. You can use an essay grader to know how well it reads and get helpful feedback to improve it. This second set of eyes truly helps lift your writing.

Do's and Don't When Writing Scholarship Essays


  • Show, not tell, by including vivid scenes and factual details
  • Connect past experiences to future academic plans
  • Proofread! Typos suggest laziness
  • Stay positive. Venting frustrations reads poorly.


  • Simply repeat accomplishments listed elsewhere
  • Use clichés or pretentious language
  • Exaggerate challenges faced for sympathy
  • Submit the exact same essay for multiple scholarships


In a nutshell, writing a scholarship essay shouldn't feel like a load on your shoulders.

All you have to do is not try to be all over the place with details they care very little about.

Instead, try to provide answers to some of the things they'll love to hear you talk about. Take the time needed to research the scholarship program, organize your ideas, and write them down well-formatted.

Don't be in a hurry to send it to them. Proofread it carefully. If possible, ask a friend or, better still, your teacher to give it a read. They might spot things you've missed.

Stick with the seven steps I've shared here, and you'll develop a superb essay.

Need help with some parts of the essay? You can use StudyFetch AI to create a draft and then fine-tune it.

If you're a student yet to take advantage of StudyFetch suites of AI tools, you're certainly missing out.

Scholarship Essay FAQs

Where do I find scholarships?

Search databases like Scholarship.com that compile available scholarships. Also, check your school counsellor and local library listings.

How do you begin a scholarship essay?

Start by outlining what makes you uniquely passionate or qualified for this scholarship. Share a vivid story that encapsulates a defining moment showcasing these strengths.

What is the format for a scholarship essay?

The standard format when writing an essay is 1-2 pages with organized paragraphs focused around a central narrative that connects back to answering the prompt.

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